Avette Caesar!
Newsletter of SPQR

    AVETTE CAESAR means Hail Caesar, and is the official newsletter of SPQR. It is published every month, but the dates they are sent out are indefinite. It is edited, and mostly written, by Taylor Genovese, the founder of SPQR. Submissions are welcome-"research and development" articles, event announcements, travel reports, book reviews, etc.
       E-mail subscriptions are free. If you live in the U.S. and are electronically deprived, you may receive AVETTE CAESAR on paper by sending the Editor a supply of first-class stamps, or $5 (payable to Taylor Genovese).
       If you think that you have missed an issue, notify the Editor. One way to help assure that you don't miss a single exciting issue is keep him informed if you change your address.
       Everything for the new year onwards is in Word format, if you would still like to receive it through the web, contact me and I will make a separate HTML version.

January 2001
December 2000
October 2000

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